Personal Data Protection Law


As, we pay utmost attention to the protection and security of your personal data. In this context, in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“Law”) and the relevant legislation, which is regulated to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life, and to protect personal data, the ways of collecting your personal data, the purposes of processing, the legal reasons for processing and your rights. As the Data Controller, we would like to enlighten and inform you in the most transparent way. The COMPANY reserves the right to update this Clarification text on the Protection of Personal Data at any time within the framework of changes that can be made in the current legislation.

  • Data Officer: Arol Logistics
  • Website:
  • Phone Number: +90 352 222 36 76 | +90 532 795 44 36 | +90 533 305 39 42 | +90 538 420 33 22
  • Cap Address:
  • Address: Anbar Mahallesi Gököz Geçidi Street No:0 Melikgazi/Kayseri

Processing of Your Personal Data:

Pursuant to the Law, obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, changing, rearranging, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making available, classifying personal data in whole or in part by automatic or non-automatic means provided that it is a part of any data recording system. Any operation performed on the data, such as preventing its use or preventing its use, is considered as "processing of personal data".

Processing Purpose

Your personal data collected, by the COMPANY;

  • Providing our products and services,
  • To be able to communicate with you regarding the products and services you have purchased or will receive,
  • To be able to offer product / service and use it in other marketing activities,
  • New product studies,
  • To carry out the necessary work by our relevant business units for the realization of commercial activities carried out by the company and to carry out the related business processes,
  • Planning and execution of the company's commercial and/or business strategies,
  • Fulfilling legal and administrative obligations and activities before authorized public and private legal entities,
  • Increasing the performance level and employee satisfaction of the employees, determining the training and career plans or ensuring job security,
  • Ensuring administrative, technical and job security for employees,
  • To fulfill the obligations undertaken in accordance with the employment contracts we have signed, to fulfill our legal obligations and to use our rights arising from the current legislation,
  • Ensuring coordination between Arol Logistics and related companies,
  • To be able to provide information to public officials, upon request and in accordance with the legislation, on matters related to public safety,
  • To ensure the safety of employees, guests, employee candidates and the Company and Company Buildings,
  • Ensuring the execution of the company's human resources policies,
  • To be used as evidence in disputes that may arise,
  • To ensure that the social and economic rights of the employees are met,
  • To be able to organize the commercial books, payment instruments and payrolls that must be arranged by the company,
  • Realization of advertising and promotional activities,
  • Completion of processes such as maintenance, repair and update, with the operation of software, programs and similar systems used by the company,
  • Evaluation of recruitment processes of employee candidates and evaluation of alternative positions,
  • Making corporate correspondence,
  • Carrying out Career Development Activities,

will be processed within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVK Law.

The Parties to which Data is Transferred and the Purpose of Transfer

Your personal data collected by the company, in line with the above-mentioned purposes and other purposes specified in the law, to our business partners, suppliers, shareholders, group companies, domestically established software companies and technology companies, healthcare professionals, legally authorized public institutions and private individuals, It can be transferred within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9.

Collection Method and Legal Reason

Your personal data shall be used by the Company for the purposes specified in the Clarification Text on the Processing of Personal Data, by real or legal persons authorized to process data; statement, application forms, forms filled out on the website, documents required to create the personnel file, various contracts, all kinds of information forms, surveys, job application forms, social media applications, forms filled over the website, security camera footage and all kinds of written and verbal can be collected from electronic media by automatic or non-automatic methods. Your personal data, the personal data processing conditions specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law, and the purpose 

It can be processed and transferred for the purposes specified in the Clarification Text on the Processing of Personal Data.

Retention Period of Personal Data

The Company will keep personal data for the period required by the purposes and relevant legislation specified in the Clarification Text on the Processing of Personal Data. In addition, in case of any dispute that may arise between the Company and the data owner, the Company will be able to keep personal data for the duration of the limitation period determined in accordance with the relevant legislation, limited to the purpose of making the necessary defenses within the scope of the dispute.

Measures and Commitments Regarding Data Security


  • Personal data is not processed unlawfully,
  • Personal data is not illegally accessed and
  • In order to ensure the protection of personal data, it undertakes to take the necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security and to carry out the necessary inspections.
  • The company will not disclose the personal data it has obtained to anyone else in violation of the legal regulations regarding the
  • Clarification Text on the Processing of Personal Data and will not use it for purposes other than processing.

Your Rights Under the Law

In accordance with Article 11 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, by applying to in the capacity of data controller regarding the processing of your Personal Data:

Learning whether your personal data is processed or not,

  • If your personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,
  • Learning the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose,
  • Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred, in the country or abroad,
  • Requesting correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
  • Requesting the deletion or destruction of your personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
  • Requesting notification of the transactions made pursuant to the above-mentioned articles, to the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
  • Objecting to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
  • If you suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of your personal data, you have the right to demand the compensation of the damage.

You can submit your applications regarding your rights listed above by filling in the application form on our website in accordance with the instructions, and personally send a signed copy of the form to your address with documents identifying your identity, send it via a notary public or other methods specified in the Law, or send the relevant form to via secure electronic mail. You can send it signed. Depending on the nature of your request, your applications will be finalized as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest; however, in case of additional costs, the Company reserves the right to charge you a fee according to the tariff to be determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.

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