Transportation costs, which do not find much place in Turkey's agenda, make it mandatory for the concerned to evaluate the cost-income situation of companies that do business by road, which is the most important mode of transportation, considering the pandemic process of our country.
It is very important for companies to have a visually successful stand in fairs held periodically or once a year. It is a great need for companies to carefully take fair furniture, visuals, display products and other materials required for presentation, and transport them to the fairground. Quality and experienced fair transportation services are needed not only for the fair but also for the successful execution and conclusion of organizations such as congresses, panels, seminars and promotions.
If you only consider the cost while making your logistics partner choices, you will make a wrong choice. Along with the cost, you should also consider criteria such as service quality, professionalism, operation solution skills, solution-oriented approaches and reliability of the service.